Look past the fog of all the B.S. that is holding you back!

Does your diagnosis mean you go from crappy to horrible way too frequently? Has your weight been a constant thought holding you back and sinking you deeper and deeper into toxic diet world? I’m here because I believe that you shouldn’t have to feel awful and you shouldn’t have to spend all your precious energy worrying about the size of your thighs. You shouldn’t have to feel like your life is on hold.

My passion is to help you stop feeling stuck by your diagnosis or your weight so that you can start enjoying your life, your body, and your awesomeness.

Where I’m coming from:   I have struggled with my weight and my health since I can remember. By 33 I had been given two autoimmune disease diagnoses and had gained and lost the same 40 pounds so many times I had lost count. I have spent too many hours thinking about what I was going to eat or not eat. How much I was going to work out and how many calories that would burn. And then my energy was wasted in too many waiting rooms, having too much blood drawn, and missed too much of my life sleeping. I know what it’s like to live without energy, to feel that your body is working against you, and to worry what your future will look like if you feel this bad now. I did not want to be a forty-year-old in the body of an eighty-year-old. I’ve been there, and I never want to feel that way again. And I don’t want you to feel that way either.

How I can help: As a holistic health coach, I help you look past the fog of your diagnosis and weight to identify what does and doesn’t work with your body and equip you with the tools to work those things in your life. This isn’t a gimmicky program to give you a quick shot of energy, and I’m not promising remission or dropping pounds fast. This program is a transformative process that will restore the lost connection between you and your body so that you can have a better quality of life and begin to heal both your body and your relationship with it.